Red Dragon Fish Brings Prosperity and Good Fortune , Red Dragon Fish or also known as Arowana fish was believed as the fish of prosperity and can bring good luck charm in chinese culture, It was said that the people who owns this red dragon fish will get a good luck and prosperity. This kind of fish was sold for a high price. do you know how much the price of this Red Dragon Fish? This Red Dragon Fish on the picture in the left was sold for $55,440!!.
The Arowana or a Red Dragon Fish is an amazing fish that grows up to a meter in length, and can live up to 25 years. But it’s not these traits that make it so popular among China’s rich and famous, but its resemblance to a dragon. As you may know, Chinese people consider themselves descendants of dragons, and many of them would pay big money, to own their very own dragon. The older the fish, the more expensive it is, kind of like a good wine. See also this Unique Golden Fish in Taiwan.
This Red Dragon Fish was Available at a shop in Chengdu, Sichuan province in China, this fish is 55cm long, weighs in at 1.5 kg and is imported from Indonesia.
Does The Red Dragon Fish or Arowana can bring the prosperity and good luck for the owner? Well several years ago my uncle owns a Large Red Dragon Fish and now after several years he became more richer and richer. Is it due to this Red Dragon Fish?
Here's some interesting Video about this Red Dragon Fish