The Real Life Magneto that was the best words for Ivan Stoiijkovic, this six-year-old boy from a small town in norther Croatia, has been attracting media attention with his unusual gift of making large quantities of metal stick to his torso. especially his belly and chest. Wow i wonder how he do that?
Young Ivan may not look to be in the best possible shape for his age, but that’s never stopped him from taking off his t-shirt and sticking metal objects on his chest and belly it's really similar to what magneto alias Eric lensher could do.
“We always felt he was a bit different. At 15 months-of-age he was rollerblading, he started walking at eight months. He was less than two when he started driving a little motorcycle, and it was a bit weird,” says Ivan Surlovic, young Magneto’s grandfather. It all started as a joke, a few months ago, when Ivan’s grandmother was watching a show about a boy with magnetic capabilities. Her grandson took his shirt off and asked if he could do something like that, so they tried putting metal things on him and they just stuck.
According to Ivan Surlovic’s family, his powers are strongest in the morning and when he is calm and focused. They say he is capable of carrying up to 25 pounds of metal on his body, with heavier objects actually sticking better than lighter ones. His upper body appears to be more magnetic.
And magnetism isn’t the only “super power” this boy has, according to his folks his wounds heal much faster than they normally should, leaving no scars, and his healing scars have been known to alleviate his grandfather’s stomach pains, and the pain of a neighbor who hurt his leg in a tractor accident. it's similar with Wolverine's skill. Don't forget to see also the Real life wolverine on our previous post.
Here's more picture and Video of this Real life magneto Ivan Stoiijkovic